Main Synonym:- Jati, parkari, parkati. Regional Name:- Hindi : pakar, pakahra Botanical Name:- Ficus lacor / Ficus virens Family:- Moraceae
Classification (Gana):-
Bhavprakash nighantu : vatadi varga.
Sushruta Samhita : panchvalkal gana, nygrodhadi gana.
Charak samhita : mutrasangrahaniya mahakashaya
Astanga Sangraha : nygrodhadi gana
External Morphology:-
15-20 meter high tree
Used Parts:
Stem bark, leaves, leaf bud, fruit
Important Phytoconstituent:
Alpha and beta- amyrins, lupeol, campesterol, Beta-sitosterol, caffeic acid, D- glucoside, vitamin-k, methyloleanolate, stigmasterol
Rasa Panchak:-
Rasa : kashaya
Guna : guru, ruksha
Virya : shita
Vipaka : katu
Therapeutic Indication/Disease:-
Vranaropana (wound-healing), sothahara (anti-inflammatory), mutrasangrahaniya (treat excessive micturition), shukrala (aphrodisiac), pramehahara (anti-diabetic), yonirogahara (useful to treat vaginal infections)
Therapeutic Uses:-
1. Vrana – decoction of the bark is useful to clean and heal wounds.
2. Raktapitta – tender leaves of plaksha with tanduliya is given as food preparation in bleeding disorders.
3. Swetapradara – decoction of the bark is useful as doush to treat leucorrhea.
Powder – 3-6 gm, decoction – 40-80 ml
Panchvalkal kwath, mutrasangrahaniya kwath