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Ishan Ayurvedic Medical College and Research Centre celebrate Yoga Week in the occasion of “International Yoga Day 2024”. In this occasion also organized Essay, Slogan, Rangoli, Extempore, Poster Making competition etc.
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Ishan Ayurvedic Medical College and Research Centre organized a Medical Kit Distribution Ceremony “Shishyopanyan Sanshkar” to first year students of BAMS on 28th March 2024
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Ishan Ayurvedic Medical College and Research Centre organised an Education Tour to Pantanjali Herbal and Food Park and Rishikul Rajkiye Ayurvedic Aaoshadhi Nirmansala, Haridwar, Uttrakhand for students of BAMS on 19 March 2024
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Ishan Ayurvedic Medical College and Research Centre organised a Guest Lecture on “Organ Donation & Transplant Sensitization” on 18 March ’24 @ 11.25 A.M.
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Ishan Ayurvedic Medical College and Research Centre organised a Guest Lecture on MALNOURISHMENT : Nutritional Health and Well-being on 5th March 2024 @ 10 a.m.
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Recent News

Celebration of Yoga Week in the occasion of “International Yoga Day 2024”.
June 21, 2024
Medical Kit Distribution Ceremony “Shishyopanyan Sanshkar”
March 28, 2024
Education Tour to Pantanjali Herbal and Food Park and Rishikul Rajkiye Ayurvedic Aaoshadhi Nirmansala, Haridwar
March 19, 2024