Effectively communicate verbally and in writing preferably using Ayurvedic terminology along with contemporary terminology among peers, teachers and community – PO8, PO9
Department : Department of Kriya Sharir
Show a sense of curiosity and questioning attitude towards the life processes and to display compassion and ethical behaviour – PO2, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO9
Department : Department of Kriya Sharir
Present a short project work / research activity covering the role of Kriya Sharir in preventive and promotive healthcare – PO5, PO6, PO7, PO8, PO9
Department : Department of Kriya Sharir
Differentiate the strengths & limitations of Ayurved and contemporary sciences – PO2
Department : Department of Kriya Sharir
Carry out clinical examination and experiments using equipments with interpretation of their results – PO4
Department : Department of Kriya Sharir
Differentiate between Prakriti and Vikriti in the individuals after carrying out relevant clinical examinations – PO1, PO2, PO3, PO5
Department : Department of Kriya Sharir
Demonstrate and communicate normal and abnormal variables pertaining to Kriya Sharir such as Sara, Agni, Koshtha, Srotas etc – PO2, PO3
Department : Department of Kriya Sharir
Explain all basic principles & concepts of Kriya Sharir along with essentials of contemporary human physiology and biochemistry related to all organ systems – PO1, PO2
Department : Department of Kriya Sharir
Demonstrate an understanding of qualities and required skills as a practitioner, researcher and academician and an aspiration to become one.
Department : Department of Kriya Sharir
Demonstrate the ability to effectively communicate with patients, families, community and peers.
Department : Department of Kriya Sharir