
Department of Swasthavritta & Yoga (Preventive & Social Medicine)

Ishan Ayurvedic Medical College and Research Centre has a well-equipped Department of Swasthavritta & Yoga (Preventive & Social Medicine)

The Department of Swasthavritta & Yoga primary aim as to preserve the health of healthy individual laid down all the preventive principles which are necessary in maintenance of health under the subject Swasthavritta, which is known as Preventive and Social Medicine or Community Medicine in modern medical science.
The concept of Swasthavritta is pioneer in the field of medicine propagated by our ancient seers and is basic need for building a healthy society.

Department works in domains like personal health, public health, Ayurveda dietetics, Yoga, Nisargopachar & Environmental studies.

Department has come up with Innovative practices like various food adulteration tests, involvement in community activities in nearby villages, conducting morning yoga session for the IPD patients as well as for the publics, organizing various campaigns for the publics in order to create an awareness about Balanced diet &nutrition, diet advice to the healthy individual & patient in OPD as well as IPD basis.

The contents of subject are very helpful to create students, who are able to bring about welfare of the society with the help of science of Ayurveda along with Yogashastra and Naturopathy.

The department has Yoga hall. The department develops plans of action to deal with break of epidemics. Various programmes are on the anvil to propagate the outstanding wellness solutions of Ayurveda

Key Features of Department 

  • Well qualified Teaching, Non-teaching, and Hospital staff.
  • Department manages lifestyle disorders & occupational Health Hazards through OPD
  • Tutorial room with fully fledged audio-visual units such as mic with speakers and projector facilities.
  • Concept of Pathyapathy (Dietary dos & don’ts) plays key role in prevention & cure of diseases…
  • Department of Swasthavritta is having its own library containing various texts and reference books of Ayurveda, Modern science, Yogashastra and Nisargopchara
  • Teaching aids – Slides, CDs of Pranayama, Asana, Shatkarma, and Power Point Presentations of various syllabus topics are available in the department.
  • Department possesses its own museum with all required charts, models and specimens. A separate Yoga Hall with an adequate space for Yoga asana and all relevant charts related to Yoga is also available.

Other clinical facilities

Well-equipped Yoga centre in hospital related to yoga and naturopathy for the patients and demonstration for the students

Department Initiatives

  •  Swasrnaprashan Shivir is organized by our institute.
  • Swastharakshana OPD is conducted by Swasthavritta department
  • Consultation about the diet, Yoga, Naturopathy carried out.
  • Visits – To gain more knowledge and as a part of our syllabus, we organize various visits
  • Awareness programme – Lectures about ‘health education’ are conducted by the departmental teachers for school students.
  • Organizing weekly yoga & Pranayama sessions for students.

Program and Course Outcomes

Programme Learning Outcomes (PO)


Department Faculty

Dr. Ankush Chandrabhan Avhad​
Dr. Naveed Us Saher Khan​