Scientific Name: Aquilaria agallocha

Family Name: Thymelaeaceae


Aquilaria agallocha is a medium-sized evergreen tree.
It has alternate, elliptical leaves with a leathery texture.
The tree is primarily valued for the resin it produces, which forms in response to injury or infection.
The resin, when infected by a specific fungus, transforms into Agarwood, known for its distinctive and prized fragrance.
Chemical Constituents:

The primary chemical constituents responsible for Agarwood’s fragrance are volatile oils, including various sesquiterpenes and aromatic compounds.
The chemical composition can vary greatly, contributing to the unique scents found in different Agarwood samples.
Ayurvedic Properties:

In Ayurvedic medicine, Agarwood is known as “Aguru.”
It is considered a valuable medicinal and aromatic substance.
Aguru is believed to have properties that can calm the mind, reduce stress, and aid in meditation and spiritual practices.
It is also used as an ingredient in traditional Ayurvedic formulations for various health purposes.
Taste (Rasa): The taste of Aguru is pungent and bitter.

Properties (Guna): Aguru is associated with the qualities of the air and ether elements, meaning it can help balance the Vata-Pitta-Kapha doshas.

Potency (Virya): Aguru has a hot potency, which means it can provide energy and vitality to the body.

Post-digestive Effect (Vipak): Aguru has a moderate post-digestive effect, which means it takes some time to fully digest and assimilate in the body.

1.)Agarwood is highly prized in perfumery and incense-making due to its unique and long-lasting fragrance.
2.)It is also used in traditional medicine and aromatherapy for its potential calming and therapeutic effects.
3.)Agarwood chips or powder are used in incense sticks, oils, and perfumes.
4.Aromatic Qualities: The Aguru plant is primarily cultivated for its sweet and pleasant fragrance, which is often used in perfumes, scented oils, and potpourri.

5.Traditional Medicine: In traditional Chinese medicine, Aguru is used for its potential medicinal properties, including its ability to alleviate headaches and ease stress when used in aromatherapy.

6.Insect Repellent: The scent of Aguru is known to repel certain insects, making it useful in natural insect repellent products.

7.Cultural and Spiritual Significance: Aguru has cultural and spiritual significance in various Asian cultures, where it is used in religious ceremonies and rituals.

8.Ornamental Plant: Beyond its practical uses, Aguru is also grown as an ornamental plant for its attractive and fragrant flowers, which can enhance the beauty of gardens and landscapes.

9.Symbolism: In some cultures, Aguru symbolizes purity, love, and friendship, and it is sometimes used in bouquets and floral arrangements to convey these sentiments.