Aloe vera

Scientific NameAloe barbadensis miller.

Family– Asphodelaceae (Liliaceae)

Aloe vera is also known as Kumari in Ayurveda. It is a shrubby or arborescent, perennial, xerophytic, succulent, pea- green color plant. It grows mainly in the dry regions of Africa, Asia, Europe and America. In India, it is found in Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu.


The Aloe vera plant has a short, stout stem and a rosette of fleshy, lanceolate leaves which have a serrated margin of small white teeth. The leaves may be flecked with white and are pale green or grey-green in colour. Aloe vera plants produce a conspicuous inflorescence composed of densely packed pendulous yellow flowers on a spike which can be up to 90 cm (35 in) in height.
Chemical composition-
Aloe vera gel consists of about 98.5%–99.5% water with the remaining solids containing more than 200 different components, polysaccharides being the most abundant compounds Other interesting chemical compounds such as soluble sugars, glycoproteins, phenolic anthraquinones, flavonoids, flavonols, enzymes, minerals, essential, and nonessential amino acids, sterols, saponins, and vitamins.
It has many medicinal properties helpful in improving various ailments. Ayurvedic properties of Aloe vera are explained in the below shloka:

कुमारी शीतला तिक्ता मधुरा भेदनी जये। गुल्मप्लीयकृदद्धि कफचरहरी हरेत ग्रन्ध्याग्निदग्यविस्फोटपित्तरक्तत्वगामयान्॥ चक्षुध्या विधवातघ्नी बलकारका वृष्या रसायनी॥
वातपित्तकृमिहर कुमारी कफसुमं गुरु। – कै.नि औषधि वर्ग (1639-1640)

Aloe vera is Sita (cold) in potency, Tikta(bitter) in taste, and Bhedan (laxative) in nature. It is helpful in improving liver function. It provides beneficial results in burning sensations and other skin problems. Regular use of Aloe vera is also good for the eyes. It helps improve immunity which helps the body fight infection. This is due to its Rasayana (rejuvenating) property. Aloe vera is also effective in Vata-Pitta-Kapha balancing and worm infestation.

  1. In Constipation-Aloe vera can control constipation because of its laxative property.
    Aloe vera acts as a natural laxative because of the presence of anthraquinones. Anthraquinones speed up the bowel movement and help in the easy excretion of stool
  2. In obesity-Aloe vera is good for weight loss by improving body metabolism. Although not enough studies are there, animal studies state that phytosterols present in Aloe vera reduce body weight
  3. In diabetes-Aloe vera might help manage diabetes by improving blood glucose as well as insulin levels. This is due to the presence of phytochemicals such as lectins, mannans in Aloe vera.
  4. In high cholesterol- Aloe vera might lower the level of bad cholesterol or low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and prevent artery blockage.
    This is due to the presence of phytosterols, glucomannan, fructose and glucose that helps in maintaining cholesterol levels Aloe vera gel may help in lowering serum cholesterol, serum triglycerides, and serum phospholipids. It also prevents blockage in the arteries
  5. In acne-Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory property which is effective in controlling acne and reducing the redness caused by it. The enzymes present in Aloe vera forms an antibacterial coating on the skin to protect it against acne-causing bacteria. Aloe vera also has hydrating properties and helps in moisturizing the skin.
  6. In dandruff and hair fall-Aloe vera might be good for dandruff and reduce hair fall.
    Studies suggest that Aloe vera can control dandruff and protect the scalp against diseases. This is due to its antibacterial and antifungal properties
  7. In burn-Aloe vera helps in healing minor burns due to its soothing properties.
    Some studies show that Aloe vera, when applied to the affected area can heal burns and reduce the pain associated with it due to its anti-inflammatory property. Aloe vera also has antibacterial property which prevents infection at the site of burn.
    Avoid Aloe vera during pregnancy as it may cause a miscarriage by increasing uterine contractions.