Scientific name :Phyllanthus niruri

Family : Phyllanthaceae


• It grows 50–70 cm (20–28 in) tall and bears ascending herbaceous branches. The bark is smooth and light green. It bears numerous pale green flowers which are often flushed with red. The fruits are tiny, smooth capsules containing seeds.

• Root is stout and woody and stems are often branched at base and angular. Leaves are numerous, sub-sessile, disticthious, stipulate and paripinnate with small leaflets.

Chemical composition :

• It has Lignans, flavonoids, triterpenes, sterols, alkaloids, and essential oils are found in this plant.

• The whole plant is useful since its every part shows potency and good action. The major bioactive chemical composition of the Phyllanthusniruri is the toxic bitter substance called Phyllanthin and the non bitter substance called Hypophyllanthin.

Properties :

• Rasa- Madhura , tikta , kashaya
• Guna – laghu , ruksha
• Vipaka- Madhura
• Virya – sheeta
• Karma – kapha-pitta shamaka
• BhumiAmla has various therapeutic effects like antimicrobial, hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-cancer, anti-viral, anti-plasmodial and diuretic.

Benefits :

1.Liver disorder
Bhumyamalaki has powerful hepatoprotective properties that improve liver functions Due to its potent anti-inflammatory properties, thus helpful in treating liver cirrhosis, gallstones, bile difficulties, damage to liver tissues, and even delays the spread of liver cancer.

  1. Respiratory disorder
    Bhumyamalaki is incredibly helpful in treating a variety of respiratory issues its strong anti-inflammatory, anti-biotic, and anti-asthmatic characteristics. It is frequently used to treat the symptoms of the common cold, sore throat, cough, and flu. it thins and loosens the rheum particles in the chest and nasal cavities.
  2. Kidney Processes

Bhumyamalaki has diuretic characteristics that aid in eliminating extra fluid, toxins, wastes, and salts from the body through the urine. Itsalso used to treat urinary diseases such urinary incontinence, painful urination, dysuria, and burning feeling while peeing and thereby prevent chronic kidney failure. This is due to its astringent and cooling qualities.

4. Ulcers and Wounds

Bhumyamalaki’s abundance of anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving characteristics are crucial in the treatment of a variety of ulcers, including ulcerative colitis, peptic ulcers, canker sores, mouth ulcers, etc

5. Reduces Stress

Bhumyamalaki leaf and plant extracts are potent sedatives that calm tension, such as drowsiness, restlessness, cold hands and feet, etc. The plant’s relaxing effects also actively contribute to mood enhancement and the development of happy feelings.

6.  Lose Weight

The formulations can play a crucial role in one’s weight loss routine because they have the ability to curb sudden hunger sensations and prevent overeating due to their inclusion of fibre and anti-obesity action when regularly consumed. The herb also increases metabolism and aids in maintaining a healthy weight in the body.

7.  Joint Pain

Bhumyamalaki is a powerful cure for pain and inflammation in cases of arthritis and joint discomfort thanks to its bioactive components’ strong analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and pain-relieving effects muscle spasms, sore muscles, and arthritic conditions.