Scientific Name: Swertia chirata

Family: Gentianaceae


Chirata is a herbaceous plant with lanceolate leaves and small, greenish-yellow flowers. It typically grows in the temperate Himalayan region.

Chemical Constituents:

Chirata contains various chemical compounds, including amarogentin, chiratanin, swertanone, xanthones, and flavonoids.

किरात सारको रुक्षः शीतलः तिक्तको लघुः । सान्निपात ज्वर श्वास कफपित्तास्र दाहनुत् । कास शोथ तृषाकुष्ठज्वर व्रण कृमिप्रणुत् ॥ भावप्रकाश
Chirata is known in Ayurveda for its bitter taste (Tikta Rasa), light and dry qualities (Laghu and Ruksha Guna), and it is considered cooling in nature (Shita Virya). It is often used to balance Kapha and Pitta doshas.
Chirata is known for its bitter taste and is often used in traditional medicine due to its medicinal properties.Chirata is a popular medicinal herb native to high altitude regions of the sub-temperate Himalayas ranging from Himalayas to Bhutan. It has a bitter taste and each part of the plant has health benefits.Chirata helps in weight loss as it increases metabolism and helps in burning more calories. It is also beneficial in managing diabetes by increasing insulin secretion and reduces oxidative stress in diabetic patients due to its high antioxidant activity. Chirata also plays a beneficial role in kidneys as it helps prevent stone formation due to its diuretic property. It also protects the kidney from damage by free radicals due to the presence of certain bioactive compounds. As per Ayurveda, taking Chirata water two times a day helps manage fever due to its Jvarghana (antipyretic) property.


Chirata is believed to have several health benefits, including anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and hepatoprotective properties. It’s commonly used to treat digestive disorders, fever, and liver ailments in traditional medicine.

  1. Malaria- Chirata might be useful in managing the symptoms of Malaria as it contains certain constituents that have antimalarial properties. It might help inhibit the growth of malarial parasites. Chirata also has an antipyretic activity that helps manage malarial fever by reducing the elevated body temperature.
  2. Constipation- Chirata might help control constipation due to its strong laxative property. It acts as a natural laxative and helps promote bowel movement which eases excretion of stool from the body.
  3. Worm infections- Chirata might lower the risk of parasitic Worm infestations due to its anthelmintic property. It suppresses the activity of parasites and helps in their removal from the body.
  4. Appetite stimulant- Chirata might help manage appetite. It works as an appetite stimulant and helps improve digestion.