Eranda, commonly known as the Castor Oil Plant, is a fast-growing perennial shrub or small tree native to Africa. It can reach heights of 1-5 meters and has large, palmate leaves with serrated edges. The plant produces spiky, green to reddish-brown fruit capsules, each containing seeds that yield castor oil. Castor oil is extracted from these seeds. Eranda is well-adapted to various climates and is cultivated for its oil-rich seeds.
Chemical Composition: The seeds of the Eranda plant are rich in various chemicals, with castor oil being the most prominent product. Castor oil contains ricinoleic acid, which gives it its medicinal properties. The seeds also contain proteins, alkaloids, flavonoids, and other fatty acids.
Properties : In Ayurveda, Eranda is known for its “Vata” balancing properties. It is described in Ayurvedic texts as “Vatahara”.
Rasa : Madhura, Katu, Kasaya,
Guna : Snigdha,Suksma,Tiksna,
Vipaka : Madhura,
Virya : Usna,
Karma : Dipana, Medohara, Amapacana, Vidbhedana, Anulomana, Srotosodhana, Vayasthapana
Medicinal Benefits :
Contraindications : The internal use of raw Eranda seeds is toxic due to the presence of ricin. Ingesting them can lead to severe poisoning. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid using castor oil internally, as it may induce labor.
However, once the oil is extracted, it becomes safe for medicinal use when used appropriately.