Botanical name : Rosa rubiginosa

Family : Rosaceae


• Their stems are usually prickly and their glossy, green leaves have toothed edges. Rose flowers vary in size and shape. They burst with colours ranging from pastel pink, peach, and cream, to vibrant yellow, orange, and red. Many roses are fragrant, and some produce berry-like fruits called hips.
• An ornamental shrub/bush with upright or climbing stems usually prickly. Leaves are alternate, compound, oddly pinnate with stipules adherent to the leaf stalk. Flowers are solitary (single) or in corymbs (cluster).

Chemical composition:
• It has flavonoids, triterpenes, tannins, phenolic acids, polysaccharides, fatty acids, organic acids, carotenoids and vitamins.
• It also has 2-Phenylethanol, β-ionone, β-damascone, β-damascenone, citronellol, rose oxide, geraniol, and nerol are the most important odorous components of many rose species.
• Fragrance of roses is due to monoterpenes, these chemicals can be found in many odorous plants. Monoterpenes come in different shapes and scents, but all have 10 atoms of the element carbon.

Properties :
• Rasa- tikta , kashaya, Madhura .
• Guna – laghu , snigdha .
• Virya – sheeta
• Vipaka – Madhura
• Karma- tridoshara

Benefits :

  1. Skin benefits
    • Rich in vitamins A and E means rose will hydrate and tighten the skin while overtime reducing those pesky fine lines and softening dark circles.
    • It also supports the body’s natural collagen production, our body’s protein responsible for healthy skin, nails and hair. Loaded with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, roses can also help ease breakouts and calm skin conditions such as eczema and rosacea. Sip and glow on.
  2. PMS
    • . Rose’s anti-inflammatory properties can help relieve uncomfortable PMS symptoms like bloating, cramps, headaches and nausea.
    • roses help regulate hormones, so if you’re feeling out of balance
  3. Mind booster
    • Roses have mood-boosting and stress relieving properties relief for a cranky mood was to inhale rose vapour from the tea. the uplifting qualities of rose can be felt by sipping on the fragrant bloom.
    • The natural aromatics encourage calm, relieve stress and tension, and promote a restful sleep.
  4. Immunity
    • Vitamin C supports the production of white blood cells to help our bodies fight off infections, colds and flus.
    • Also rich in antioxidants, roses can help combat oxidative stress and the effects of free radicals which can cause diseases and premature aging.
  5. Digestion
    Consuming rose can relieve stomach upsets, uncomfortable gas and bloating by easting the digestive system. It also promotes the rebalance of healthy gut flora, where most chronic diseases start.