KADALI (Banana)

Scientific name :Musa paradisiaca

Family :Musaceae


Theone or more pseudostems (upright, trunk-like structures) formed by tightly packed concentric layers of leaf sheaths, an underground rhizome, and a fibrous root system. The entire plant is called a mat. fruit is variable in size, color, and firmness, but is usually elongated and curved, with soft flesh rich in starch covered with a rind, which may be green, yellow, red, purple, or brown when ripe. The fruits grow upward in clusters near the top of the plant. In cultivated bananas, the ovary develops into a seedless fruit by parthenocarpy (without being pollinated). As it lifts, the bract (a modified leaf associated with a reproductive structure) exposes a cluster of female flowers that are normally arranged in two rows. These flowers will develop into a hand of fruit.
Chemical composition :
• Banana leaves can be used as a raw material for obtaining different bioproducts. It is mainly composed of cellulose (21.90–32.56%), hemicellulose (25.80–12.00%), and lignin (39.10–17.00%), expressed as a percentage of dry weight [35,45,46].
• The nutritional value of banana (/100g) were: energy 90 kcal, carbohydrates 22.84 g, protein 1.09 g, total fat 0.33 mg, cholesterol 0 mg, dietary Fiber 260 mg, vitamins (folates 20 μg, niacin 0.66 mg, pantothenic acid 0.33 mg, pyridoxine 0.36 mg, riboflavin 0.07 mg, thiamin 0.031 mg, vitamin A 64 IU, vitamin C 8.7 mg.

Properties :

  1. Unripe Banana
    Rasa: Kshaya ,
    Guna :laghu
    Virya: Shita ,
    Vipak: Katu ,
    2.Ripe Banana
    Rasa: Madhura,
    Guna heavy
    Virya: Ushna
    Vipak: Amla

Benefits :
1.Unripe banana: Constipative ,Cures pitta and rakta diseases
2.Ripe banana :Aphrodisiac , Kapha enhancing , Demulcent ,Controls appetite , Promotes taste ,Supports muscle tissue , Cures emaciation ,Relieves problems with urination.
3.Banana for pitta: mash the banana with raw sugar and cardamom to neutralize its pitta aggravating properties. Wonderful with rose petal jam.
4.Diarrhoea: Eat two unripe bananas.
5.Constipation: eat a ripe banana in the evening before bed.

  1. Dry skin, wrinkles: Nourish skin with a mashed banana face pack mixed with a little milk.
  2. Cracked heel: Apply mashed banana to the cracked area.
    8.Warts: Tape banana peel over the wart each night for a week. Choose peel from a ripe banana—the riper the banana, the higher the antioxidant level.
    9.Genital warts: Tape banana peel over the wart each night for a week. Choose peel from a ripe banana—the riper the banana, the higher the antioxidant level.
  3. Dry cough: Eat a banana with a teaspoon of honey and two pinches of black pepper twice daily.