Scientific name – Cassia occidentalis

Family – Fabaceae


Cassia occidentalis, a perennial plant native to South America, is known as kasmard in
Ayurveda. Belonging to the Leguminosae family, it is a short-lived shrub found across
the globe at an altitude of 1500 meters and higher. In Sanskrit, phlegm is kasa, and
mardan means to destroy, hence kasamarda. Also known by vernacular names as
kasondi, coffee weed, stinking weed, oeuvre, karkash, and vimarda, it is used in many
ayurvedic treatments. This ayurvedic herb possesses expectorant properties and is
highly effective against cough and Asthma, besides other respiratory ailments.
Description –
The plant is a one to two meters tall shrub with a slender, erect stem and pointed leaves
consisting of 3 to 7 pairs of leaflets. Since the plant oozes a strong unpleasant odour, it
is pretty easy to identify kasmard even from a distance. The plant has various beneficial
properties and has been traditionally used as a laxative and a diuretic agent. It has also
been used to treat piles, fever, snake bites, and various venereal diseases.
Properties –
Kasmard is loaded with anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and antiseptic properties. Here
are a few of them that can reduce symptoms of many chronic ailments:
Antioxidant Properties:
Replete with antioxidants, this powerful property of kasmard helps fight free radicals and
other toxic substances in the body.
Anti-allergic Properties:
Kasmard has potential antiallergens that help fight all kinds of allergies present in the
Anti-inflammatory Properties:
When used externally in the form of paste or decoction, kasmard acts on body
mechanisms and effectively reduces inflammation of the body.
Anthelmintic Properties:
Antiparasitic property of this ayurvedic herb expels parasitic worms and other internal
parasites from the body.
Diuretic Properties:
Kasmard is diuretic in nature. It aids the excretion of urine that flushes out harmful
toxins from the body.
Expectorant Properties:
Kasmard contains several bioactive compounds that promote the secretion of sputum
by the air passages. It is widely used to treat all kinds of coughs.
Laxative Properties:
Kasmard is highly purgative in nature. Due to its laxative effect, kasmard facilitates the
evacuation of the bowels. It has a powerful effect on digestive health by helping relieve
constipation and promoting regular bowel movements.
Wellness Tonic:
Kasmard decoction is an effective wellness tonic. It restores the overall health and wellbeing of the body because of its powerful constituents.
Chemical composition –

  • Anthraquinone,
  • Glucoside,
  • Barbaloin,
  • Aloin,
  • Formic acid,
  • Butyric acid,
  • Ceryl alcohol,
  • Kaempferol,
  • Bianthraquinone,
  • Glycoside,
  • Fistulin,
  • Rhein,
  • Sennosides A and B.
    Benefits –
    Vata and Kapha are the main Doshas involved in Asthma. The Vata combines with
    Kapha in the lungs and obstructs respiratory passages, causing difficulty breathing.
    Kasmard helps manage Asthma due to its balancing properties. These properties
    remove obstruction in the respiratory pathways, thus making breathing easier.
    Skin Eruptions And Infections
    Skin infections occur due to an imbalance of pitta dosha. This might lead to some
    conditions like itching and irritation. Kasmard helps manage skin infections and heals all
    skin problems due to its pitta balancing properties.
    Bark infusion of kasmard is used to keep control of insulin levels. Keeping your blood
    sugar in the healthy range manages the symptoms of diabetes as well.
    The paste of Kasmarda leaf is applied topically to get rid of this skin disease that can be
    very discomforting and itchy.
    Due to its antipyretic property, kasmard roots help to lower the body temperature and
    provide relief from intermittent fever.
    Liver Disorders
    The plant has powerful properties to cleanse the liver and prevent the liver by treating
    the underlying cause of cirrhosis and other liver ailments.
    Topical application of kasmard plant in the form of leaves, or juice or paste is very
    helpful to nullify the poisoning due to snake bite