Lavanga is also called as cloves. It is one of the most common species used in kitchen
from ages. In Hindi clove is kwon as the Laung. From the ayurvedic perspective this
herb has the great medicinal importance for the treatment of various ailments. This herb
has the soothing and cooling effects on the stomach. Use of this herb is good for the
morning sickness of pregnant women.
This herb contains the Eugenol which adds up to 70 to 90% of the Clove essential oil
constituent. Other major phytochemical constituents are beta caryophyllene, methyl
salicylate, kaempferol, acetyl eugenol, triterpenoids, gallotannic acid, rhamnetin, vanillin
and eugenin. These biochemical chemical compounds carminative,
immunostimulant, stomachic, digestive, antibacterial, decongestant, expectorant and
aphrodisiac properties.
Description –
Lavanga (Syzygium aromaticum) is the medium- sized crown, bushy, evergreen tree
growing up to 8-20 meters in height. Various parts of the tree like leaves and bark are
aromatic but it is most famous for the aromatic flower buds. Leaves are simple, bright
green and glossy. The lower surface of the leaves is covered in aromatic oil glands.
Elliptical leaves with petioles can grow up to 13cm long along numerous short branches.
Flowers forms in small clusters. Flower buds in the starting are pale with a glossy,
fleshy appearance, turning green and become bright red as they turn mature. They
consist long, narrow ovary which is approximately 1.5-2.0 cm in length with four small
triangular sepals protruding outwards at one end. The sepals form the small ball of four
overlapping petals which protect the developing flower parts inside. Then it is in the
form of clove which is used as a spice. The clove is 1.5 to 2 cm long and consists of
long calyx, 4 unopened petals and 4 sepals. The fruits are 6 mm in diameter minute
capsules with many angled seeds inside.
लवङ्गं देवकु सुमंश्रीसंज्ञंश्रीप्रसूनकम्। लवङ्गं कटुकं तिक्तंलघुनेत्रतििंतिमम्॥ ५८ ॥ दीपनंपाचनंरुच्यं
कफतपत्तास्रनाशकृ ि्। िृष्ांछतदििथाssध्मानंशूलमाशुतवनाशयेि्। कासंश्वासञ्च तिकाच जयंनृपयति ध्रुवम्
॥ ५९ ॥
Chemical Composition –
This herb contains the Eugenol which adds up to 70 to 90% of the Clove essential oil
constituent. Other major phytochemical constituents are beta caryophyllene, methyl
salicylate, kaempferol, acetyl eugenol, triterpenoids, gallotannic acid, rhamnetin,
vanillin and eugenin.
Benefits –