A large deciduous thorny shrub which grows up to 5 metres of height. Leaves are simple, obovate, wrinkled, shiny and pubescent. Flowers are white, solitary and having honey like fragrance seen at the end of short branches. Fruits are globose, smooth berries with longitudinal ribs, yellow when ripe. Seeds many, compressed and embedded in the dark fetid pulp.Fruit 1.8-4.5 cm long globose or broadly wide, longitudinally ribbed or smooth yellowish brown, crowned with persistent calyx-limb, fruits contains numerous seeds 0.4 – 0.6 cm long, compressed, smooth, brown and very hard. These seeds are called as ‘madanphalapippali.
Chemical constituents:
Bark of Randiadumetorum contains mannitol, saponins,
coumarin glycosides.
Root bark of Randiadumetorum contains triterpene, -1-
Leaves contain an iridoid-10-methylixoside. An iridoid
glycoside from leaves of Randiadumetorum.
Ripe fruit contains glycosides, randiosideA, mollisidial
triterpenoid glycosides and randianin, six
saponinsdumetoronins A to F.
Saponins named as dumentoronin from fruit pulp of
RandiadumetorumDumetoronin A, B, C, D, E and F
etc. A hemolytic triterpenoid saponins that is Randianin,
from fruit of R. dumetorum.
(MadanaphalaPippali) Contains Fat= 1.5%, Protein= 14.2%,
Resin, Mucilage & Organic acid (1-4 %) and minute quantity
of unidentified alkaloids.
Guna: Laghu, Ruksha
Rasa: Kashaya, Madhur,Tikta,Katu
1.Vomiting and diarrhoea
The hot infusion prepared from the leaves of Madanaphala seeds can be given to patients suffering from vomiting and diarrhea. It also provides relief from bulkiness, headache, nausea, lethargy, etc.
2.Skin diseases
Madanaphala is a great herb for curing skin diseases. The paste prepared from the fresh root of Madanaphala and lemon juice can be applied over the affected area to get relief from skin diseases.
The flowers of Madanaphala contain certain chemicals that are great for chronic headache. A fistful of flowers of emetic nut is collected and rubbed well with mustard seeds and applied over the forehead for relief from headache.
4.Infections and wounds
The decoction prepared from the leaves of Madanaphala is used to wash chronic wounds and ulcers. It is also very effective to reduce inflammation and help in the treatment of edema and rheumatism.
It is performed in individuals suffering from disorders due to kaphadosha or kapha-pitta disorder. Vamana must not be performed in children and in people above 60 years. It is contraindicated in hypertension, peptic ulcer, diabetes, pregnancy, dehydration etc.