Scientific name: Bryophyllum pinnatum

Family: Crassulaceae

Common name- Cathedral bells


A long-lived (i.e. perennial), fleshy (i.e. succulent) herbaceous plant with upright (i.e. erect) stems. It usually grows 30-120 cm tall, but can sometimes reach up to 2 m in height. A fleshy upright plant usually growing 60-120 cm tall. Its relatively broad leaves have scalloped margins and are oppositely arranged. These leaves may be simple or compound, with three or five leaflets. Its drooping bell-shaped flowers are greenish-yellow to pinkish-red in colour (up to 7 cm long). These flowers are borne in branched clusters at the top of its stems.
Ayurvedic properties
Rasa : Kashaya, Amla
Guna : Laghu
Virya : Sheeta
Vipaka : Madhura
Doshaghnata : Vatakaphahara
Karma : Ashmarighna, Vranaropaka, Mootrala, Shonita sthapana, Rakta stambaka, Grahi. Rogaghnata : Ashmari, Atisara, Raktasrava, Visuchika.
Part used : Patra (Leaves)
chemical composition-Bryophyllum pinnatum contains Alkaloids, Saponnins, Flavonoids and Tanni

  1. Bryophyllum pinnatum is a cure-all for your health if you suffer from stones. To remedy this, prepare a decoction of Bryophyllum pinnatum, add honey and Shilajit, and then consume the concoction after some time.
  2. In Ayurveda, Bryophyllum pinnatum is used to treat urinary issues. Bryophyllum pinnatum can also treat skin swelling, wounds, or damage.
  3. Bryophyllum pinnatum can help those who suffer from headaches or migraines get rid of their symptoms. But, first, you must produce a paste by grinding some Bryophyllum pinnatum leaves, then apply it to your forehead.
  4. Women’s discharge issues can be effectively treated with Bryophyllum pinnatum. It helps to lessen vaginal spotting. To ingest, prepare a decoction of the plant’s leaves with honey. This issue can be resolved by consuming it once or twice daily.
  5. Bloody diarrhoea can be effectively treated with Bryophyllum pinnatum. Combine cumin and ghee after extracting the juice from the Bryophyllum pinnatum leaves. It can be consumed to treat bloody diarrhoea.