Scientific name: Boerhavia diffusa

Family name: Nyctaginaceae


A perennial creeping herb with procumbent branches.
Root— stout, many procumbent , woody. Branches— diffuse.
Leaves— opposite, unequal pair,sub cordate, glabrous, .
Flowers— pale rose or white small or minute, borne in small umbels arranged in axillary and terminal panicles.
Fruits— 5-ribbed, spherical, glandular, 1-1.5 cm long.
Flowering and fruiting occur during winter.

Chemical constituents:
The chemical constituents of Punarnava are b-Sitosterol, a-2-sitosterol, palmitic acid, boerhaavia acid ester of b-sitosterol, boeravinon, tetracosanoic, hexacosonoic, hentriacontane, stearic, arachidic acid, urosilic acid, triacontanol, b-Ecdysone, punarnavine etc.


Rasa : Madhura Tikta Kasäya
Guna: Laghu, Ruksa
Virya : Usna
Vipaka: Katu


  1. Eyes:
    Juice from the leaves of Punarnava can be mixed with honey and applied to the eyes to manage chronic ophthalmia and cataract.
    Fresh juice from roots can relieve the symptoms of night blindness and conjunctivitis.
    The other eye ailments that can be relieved are corneal opacity, watering eyes, and itchy eyes.
  2. Gastrointestinal Diseases:
    Punarnavadi Mandura is a formulation used to reduce the symptoms of malabsorption syndrome, worm infestation, inflammation, anaemia, splenic disease, and piles.
    Punarnavasava is another formulation that can help manage dyspepsia and other conditions of the abdomen or enlargement of the abdomen.
    It can also be used to manage splenic and liver disorders.
  3. Neuromuscular Disorders:
    Punarnava Guggulu is a medication that can relieve symptoms of neuromuscular disorders like sciatica; pain in calves, thighs, back, sacral, and bladder region.
    It can reduce the inguinoscrotal swellings in men.
    4.Respiratory Diseases:
    Punarnavastaka and Punarnavadi Kvatha Churna are the two formulations used to manage cough, breathlessness, asthma, and colicky pain.
    The root of the plant is very effective in preparing both medications.
  4. Joints:
    Punarnava may be beneficial in managing symptoms of rheumatism and gout.

Is Punarnava safe:
Yes, Punarnava helps to manage some stomach disorders like indigestion, loss of appetite or constipation.
It helps to enhance your appetite and improve digestion by promoting bowel movement due to its Deepana (appetizer), Pachan (digestion) and Rechana (laxative) properties.

The magical herb with almost infinite medicinal properties has no actual side effects. This makes it very popular in ayurvedic medicine. Moreover, the herb can be consumed in its raw form as well. Studies have exposed that this wonderful herb is secure and safe and does not pose any kind of serious side effects on the human body. However, there are some contradictions to this herb that state that pregnant women should consult a physician before consumption.