Revati (Nakshtra)  Mahua (Tree)

Madhuka (Indian butter tree)     Botanical Name : Madhuca indica J. F. Gmel. Family : Sapotaceae Names in different Indian languages :

  • English : Indian butter tree, Mahwa tree.
  • Hindi : Mahva, mohva


Synonyms :

Teekshnasar, Vanaprastha, Madhusrav, Dholaphala, Swadupushpa. Madhushthil, Madhuuka, Madhupushpa, Gudapushpa

Varieties & adulterants – (CV – controversy, AD – adulterants) :

One of the varieties called jalamadhuk grows in marshy land. The sweet portion of the flowers gets quickly converted to alcohol. The flowers are used to make liquor

Morphology :

  • It is an evergreen tree growing to a height of 10-16 mtrs. Bark – blackish or greyish in colour, torn, but the wood is brownish.
  • Leaves – 8 to 15 cm. in length, simple, oblong-oval, with 10 to 12 veins, ends in bunches
  • Flowers – white, juicy and contain a sugar-like substance.
  • Fruits – berry , oblong, 1/2 inch long, initially green and then turning to yellow.
  • Fruit contains 1-4 red coloured seeds. The tree flowers in summer and fruits in rainy season.

Distribution & Habitat :

  • Western Ghats

Chemical constituents :

  • alpha- and beta-amyrin acetate, n-hexacosanol, beta-D-glucoside ,  beta-sitosterol , free sitosterol.

Properties :

Rasa: madhur, kashaya;

Guna: guru, snigdha;

Virya: sheeta(dry flowers are ushna);

Vipaka – Madhur

Karma : krimisodanam, vrisyam, balym, rasayana stimulant, demulcent, laxative, anthelmintic, bechic, emetic

Indication : krimi, trishna, jwara, vrana pneumonia, skin diseases, piles, tonsilitis, gum troubles, diabetes, ulcers, gout

Part used :

  • Bark, flower, fruit, seed

Dosage :

  • 2-4 g bark powder

Uses :

  • Massage done with the oil prepared from madhuk is analgesic.
  • flower juice is rubbed on the skin in dermatoses and is used as nasal drops in pittaj headache, flower pulp is given along with milk in nerve disorders as a nervine tonic.
  • Decoction of the flowers or it is used in oedema, diarrhea, dysentery and thirst and it is a carminative and astringent.
  • Juice of fresh flowers is used in bleeding disorders. It is used in bronchitis and asthma as an expectorant and in hiccups.
  • The pulp of the seeds is used to prepare vaginal suppository for inducing menstrual bleeding.

Important Yogas or Formations :

  • madhukasava      

Therapeutic Uses :

  • Fruit used as laxative.
  • Bark decoction useful in washing wounds.