Scientific Name: Barleria prionitis Linn
Family: Acanthaceae
Barleria prionitis, commonly known as “Porcupine Flower” or “Vajradanti” in Ayurveda
It is a thorny, evergreen shrub or small tree native to India and other parts of Asia.
It typically grows up to 1-2 meters in height.
The leaves are opposite, elliptical to lanceolate in shape, and often have spines at the base of the leaf stalks.
The flowers are tubular and have a striking orange to reddish-orange color. They are arranged in clusters.
The plant produces small, capsule-like fruits containing seeds.
Chemical Constituents:
Barleria prionitis contains various chemical constituents, including alkaloids, flavonoids, steroids, and triterpenoids. Some of the key bioactive compounds found in this plant include barlerin, barlerinol, and barlerinoside.
Rasa (Taste): Bitter (Tikta) and Astringent (Kashaya)
Guna (Quality): Light (Laghu) and Dry (Ruksha)
Virya (Potency): Ushna (Hot)
Vipak (Post-digestive Effect): Katu (Pungent)
Pharmacological Actions:
Anti-inflammatory: It has anti-inflammatory properties and has been used to alleviate inflammation and related conditions.
Antipyretic: The plant has been used traditionally to reduce fever.
Analgesic: It have pain-relieving properties.
Antibacterial: It is believed to have antibacterial effects and has been used for various infections.
Antioxidant: The plant contains antioxidants that help combat oxidative stress.
1.In Ayurveda, Barleria prionitis is valued for its medicinal properties and is used for various purposes, including treating inflammatory conditions and fevers.
2.The plant is traditionally used for dental care, and its stem is used as a natural toothbrush or chewing stick (“datun”) in some regions.
3.Barleria prionitis has been explored for its potential in wound healing and skin-related conditions due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
4.The plant is also used in traditional medicine for digestive issues and as an analgesic.
5.Please note that while Barleria prionitis has traditional uses, it’s important to use it under the guidance of a qualified practitioner, as its efficacy and safety can vary depending on various factors. Always consult with a healthcare professional before using any herbal remedies.