Scientific name: Hemidesmus indicus
Family name: Asclepidaceae
Sariva is called pongamia pinnata often known as milletia pinnata.Its common names include indian beech and pongame oil tree.
Sariva is one of the most commonly available herbs in India. The name Sariva itself means that the plant is found everywhere especially in ground areas as a twinner.
Perennial prostate or twinning shrub.
Stems are numerous and tender.
Leaves are simple, opposite, elliptical oblong shaped.
Inflorescence is subsessile cyme.
Fruits are follicles.
Seeds are ovate oblong.
Chemical constituents:
The roots of H. indicus contain hexatriacontane, lupeol, its octacosanoate, α-amyrin, β-amyrin, its acetate and sitosterol.
It also contains new coumarino-lignoid-hemidesminine, hemidesmin I and hemidesmin II50, six pentacyclic triterpenes including two oleanenes, and three ursenes.
The stem contains calogenin acetylcalogenin-3-0-β-D-digitoxopyrannosyl-0-β-D-digitoxopyronsyl-0-β-D-digitoxopyranoside. It also afforded 3-keto-lup-12-en-21 28-olide along with lupanone, lupeol-3-β-acetate, hexadecanoic acid, 4-methoxy-3-methoxybenzalaldehyde and 3-methoxy-4-5methoxybenzalaldehydglycosides-indicine and hemidine.
Rasa – tikta , madhura
Guna – guru , snigdha
Virya – sheeta
Vipaka – madhura
Doshaghanta – tridoshahara
Pharmacological Action:
Medicinal properties of Hemidesmus indicus have been mentioned in several articles from ancient to the modern day scripts. The plant roots are used as an antipyretic, antidiarrheal, blood purifier. They are used for the treatment of blood diseases, biliousness, dysentery and diarrhoea, respiratory disorders, skin diseases, leprosy, leucorrhoea, leukoderma, itching, syphilis, bronchitis, asthma, eye diseases, epileptic fits in children, lack of appetite, burning sensation, rheumatism, kidney and urinary disorders.
In Skin diseases (Kushta) – The combination of Amalaki and Sariva is used for drinking, bathing, and external application to cure skin diseases In Erysipelas (Visarpa) -Decoction of Sariva and Amalaki is taken internally to alleviate Erysipelas.
In Itching (Kandu)- bathing in Decoction of root of Sariva can cure itching In thirst(Thrishna)- The crushed pieces of roots are taken and it is added with water and then boiled. It is then taken.
In Cough (Kasa) – Decoction prepared from root of Sariva is taken internally at a dose of 60ml per day.
In Fever(Jwara)- Decoction of roots of the plant Sariva and Tulasi is taken daily at a dose of 60ml.
In Burning sensation (Daha) – oral intake of Decoction of roots will alleviate burning sensation.
In Breathing difficulty (Swasa) – Decoction of Sariva is taken along with honey.