Scientific Name: Anethum graveolens

Family: Apiaceae


Shatapushpa refers to Anethum graveolens, commonly known as dill. It is an annual herb belonging to the Apiaceae family. The botanical description includes feathery, finely divided leaves that give it a fern-like appearance. Dill produces umbrella-shaped clusters of small, yellow flowers, and it bears small, flat, oval seeds. The plant typically reaches a height of 16-24 inches (40-60 cm). It is widely cultivated for both its leaves and seeds, which are used in culinary applications for their distinctive flavor.
Chemical Constituents:
Dill seeds contain essential oils, flavonoids, phenolic compounds, and other phytochemicals.
1.Essential Oils: Dill oil is a major component, and its composition includes carvone, limonene, phellandrene, and other terpenes.
2.Flavonoids: These are secondary metabolites with antioxidant properties. Dill contains flavonoids like kaempferol and quercetin.
3.Monoterpenes: Compounds like carvone contribute to the characteristic aroma and flavor of dill.
4.Phenolic Compounds: Dill contains phenolic acids, such as vanillic acid and caffeic acid, which have potential health benefits.
5.Vitamins and Minerals: Dill is a good source of vitamins (such as vitamin A, vitamin C) and minerals (including calcium and iron).

Ayurvedic Rasa (Taste), Guna (Properties), Virya (Potency):
1.Rasa: Madhura (Sweet), Tikta (Bitter)
2.Guna: Laghu (Light), Snigdha (Oily)
3.Virya: Ushna (Hot)
Some other properties of Asthishrinkhla:
Digestive: Shatapushpa aids digestion and helps relieve indigestion.
Carminative: It has carminative properties, reducing gas and bloating.
Diuretic: Acts as a diuretic, promoting urine flow.
Galactagogue: Can stimulate milk production in nursing mothers.

1.Indigestion Relief: Helps alleviate indigestion and associated discomfort.
2.Gas and Bloating: Effective in reducing gas and bloating after meals.
3.Diuretic Action: Supports kidney function by promoting urine output.
4.Menstrual Disorders: Useful in managing menstrual disorders due to its phytoestrogenic properties.
5.Galactagogue: Beneficial for lactating mothers to enhance milk production.
6.Antimicrobial: Exhibits antimicrobial properties, contributing to overall health.
7.Cough and Respiratory Issues: Can be used to address certain respiratory issues.
8.Calming Properties: Ayurvedically considered calming for the digestive system.
9.Antioxidant: The presence of flavonoids provides antioxidant benefits.