It is distributed in India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh from Southwest Asia to tropical Africa. In India it is found throughout the plains and lower hills, especially on the banks of rivers and rich marshy soil, ascending to an altitude of 1200 m. Ushir consists of dried fragrant fibrous roots of a densely tufted grass, Clusters of wiry roots upto 2 mm in diameter, minute, longitudinally grooved; color varies from cream, grey or light yellow to brown; fracture, short and splintery; odour, strong aromatic; taste, slightly bitter.
Chemical constituent:
Etiselinenol , khusimol, Allokhusiol, benzoic acid, cyclocapacamphene, epikhusinol, epizizanal, 2-epizizanone, beta- eudesmol, eugenol, isokhusimol, isokhusinoloxide, isovalencenol, isovalencic acid, isovalesenol, khusimene, khusimone, khusimyl acetate, khusinodiol, khusinol, khusitoneol, laevojujenol, levojunenol, vanillin, vertiselinenol, beta-& j-vetivene, vetivenic acid, vetiverol, zizaene, zizanol etc.
Rasa- Tikta, Madhura
Guna- Ruksa, Laghu
Virya- sita
Vipãka- Katu
Karma – Kapha-pittahara, Pãcana, Stambhana
refrigerant,blood purifier, febrifuge, diaphoretic, stimulant, stomachic and emmenagogue