Scientific name – Embelia ribes

Family name –Myrsinaceae


Vidanga is a woody, climbing, creeper shrub with slender, brittle and flexible stems and branches which are terete. It mainly has leaves which are simple, alternate, ovate and sharp at both ends.
Chemical constituents
Embelia ribes contain Embelin(2,5-dihydroxy-3-undecyl-1, 4-benzoquinone) a naturally occurring alkyl substituted hydroxy benzoquinone, & Quercitol, Fatty ingredients, Alkaloid -Schristembine, a Resinoid, Tannins and minute quantity of volatile oils.
Rasa- kashaya, katu
Guna –Laghu, rooksha, teekshna
Vipaka –katu

Pharmacological action -Vidanga controls vomiting, nausea, indigestion, and flatulence due to its hot potency. It also helps manage constipation due to its Rechana (laxative) property


  1. Intestinal Worms
    Vidanga is a useful herb to manage worm infestation that includes threadworms, roundworm.
  2. Indigestion
    Vidanga controls vomiting, nausea, indigestion, and flatulence due to its hot potency. It also helps manage constipation due to its Rechana (laxative) property of worms due to its Krimighna property.
  3. Depression
    Vidanga has an antidepressant effect which helps in managing depression due to its Vata balancing property.
  4. Throat infection
    Vidanga has Kapha pacifying property as a result of which it reduces cough and throat infection.
  5. Obesity
    Vidanga also works on reducing fat and clearing all toxins present in the body because of its hot potency that improves digestion and helps in the elimination of undigested foods.
  6. Skin disease
    Vidanga helps to control skin diseases by reducing toxins from the blood due to its Shodhan (purification) property.

1-Vidanga should be avoided if you have acidity or any gastric problems due to its Ushna virya (hot potency).
2- Avoid taking Vidanga during breastfeeding.
3-Avoid taking Vidanga during pregnancy.