Research Aim and Scope


Global Propagation of Ayurveda Ayurvedic Health Care Journal in Ayurvedic Science is a peer-reviewed, open accessed journal of Ishan Ayurvedic Medical College and Research Centre, Greater Noida. The journal is published yearly and is available in digital form. It is devoted to the Indian traditional knowledge especially in Ayurveda. The journal publishes editorials, original articles, correspondence, book reviews, etc. pertaining to Drug Research with special emphasis on Ayurveda.

Scope of Journal

  • Meet the present day requirements by incorporating advances of basic sciences.
  • Serve the requirement of global health care needs.
  • Serve as centre of excellence for Ayurveda learning.
  • Collaborative research by revalidation of traditional claims and principles.
  • Working on extra pharmacopoeia drugs.
  • Developing safety of herbo-mineral and metallic formulations.

Ethical Considerations
Manuscripts submitted for publication must comply with the following ethical considerations:

Informed Consent
Informed consent of the patients must be taken before they are considered for participation in a study. Patient identifying information, such as names, initials, hospital numbers, or photographs should not be included in the written descriptions. Patient consent should be obtained in written and archived with the authors.

Approval Clearance from Institutional Ethics
Mandatory requirements for publications of articles in this journal.

Registration in Clinical Trial Registration of India (CTRI)
The article should quote CTRI registration details which is an essential requirement for publication as clinical research study as appropriate.

Protection of Human Subjects and Animals in Research
When conducting experiments on human subjects, appropriate approval must have been obtained by the relevant ethics committees. All the procedures must be performed in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible ethics committee both (institutional and national).